Please read the full job description carefully to see if you have the skills, knowledge and experience NSU is looking for. Only eligible candidates will be contacted by NSU for written examination and interview.
Medical Assistant (Female)
Date Posted: 1st Feb, 2024
No longer accepting application for this job.
Position Name:
Medical Assistant (Female)
Job Description:
Assist the Senior Medical Officers in attending the faculty, students, officers & staff at the NSU Medical Center as well as the emergency calls within the NSU premises.
Collect blood samples from the patients visiting NSU Pathology Laboratory.
Record and maintain accurate documentation of patient health to ensure they receive the proper treatment.
Conduct physical examinations like checking blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, and temperature of the patients as and when required.
Make necessary arrangements for dressing to the injured patients.
Administer essential and emergency medications and treatments to the patients with a physician’s order as and when required.
Receive all kinds of office memos, letters, orders, and decision of the authority and place it before the Senior Medical Officers.
Maintain inventory and ordering supply of medicines and medical accessories.
Maintain any kind of records like semester drop, refund files, and leave applications of the students as well as employees of NSU.
Operate medical equipments including stethoscopes, Glucometers, Pulse Oximeters, Thermometers, Blood Pressure machines, Multi-Parameter Patient Monitor, and ECG Machine properly.
Accompany the team which visits the National Monument on various occasions.
Any other task assigned by the authority from time to time.
Essential Requirements:
B.Sc in Nursing from any reputed institution with good academic record.
Minimum CGPA requirement is 3.00.
Must have registration from the Bangladesh Nursing Council.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills, supervisory experience, and well-conversant in computer applications.
Willingness to work on holidays and after office hours, if necessary.
Third division/ class/ equivalent CGPA of the candidates in any educational level will not be accepted.
Job Benifits:
As per NSU policy
NSU reserves the right not to appoint anyone if suitable candidates are not found. Any prior communication or persuasion to the position will be considered as a disqualification. Interested candidates are requested to apply through